Weblinx, Incorporated

Mobilegeddon: Be Mobile-Friendly

As you have no doubt heard and noticed by now, Google made a major update to its search algorithms. The resulting shift has been dubbed “Mobilegeddon” by a lot of bloggers and industry observers, since mobile-friendly websites are now being given a priority over websites that don’t play well with smartphones and tablets.

But if you’re one of the tens of thousands of business owners and marketers who didn’t invest in a mobile-friendly web presence before the change, is it too late?

Although it’s always better to be ahead of the curve than behind it, there are still lots of reasons to add mobile compatibility to your business website if you haven’t already. Here are just a few of the biggest:

There Are More Changes Coming

While the latest Google algorithm shift was a huge one, the company has already indicated that further changes and tweaks will be coming in the future as the updates are rolled out in stages. In other words, websites that aren’t mobile-friendly are likely to be punished even more severely in the future.

Without Mobile Compatibility, You Are Losing Customers

For most businesses, losing traffic from Google is a major blow. Even worse, websites that aren’t mobile-friendly are difficult for many potential customers to access. Given that mobile users now make up the majority of web traffic, it’s not a stretch to say that a lack of mobile compatibility could cost your business day after day.

Making Your Website Mobile-Friendly Is Easy and Cost-Effective

Adding mobile compatibility to your website doesn’t have to be a huge project, and it doesn’t have to destroy your marketing budget. In fact, you might be surprised how quick, easy, and affordable it is to comply with Google’s needs and get your online marketing plan back on track.

If you haven’t already added mobile compatibility to your business website, don’t wait another day. Call 630-551-0334 or contact us now to request a free website review and see how easy it is to catch up to the competition!
